Blessed Massage Therapy 2023-Relocated from Troy to Conover, NC

 About Me


I have a 4yr Bachelors Degree in Exercise and Sport Sciences from Univ of Florida '03, after internship i was hired on at a PT office-2 years there.  Graduated from Alpha Institute of the Treasure Coast for Massage and passed the National Massage Boards (NCTMB) in '08. I had my office in Troy, NC 2014-2022. I now have my office within the Unseen Hand Salon, Spa and Wellness location in Conover, NC. 

Due to the nature of me not holding traditional hours and offering evening times later for those that work until 5, I work by appointment- so I can accomodate just about any schedule. Feel free to text at any time, no time request is unreasonable, just ask. Generally I'm working late evenings to take clients when their day is done, and I usually prefer that to early mornings or weekends.